Derrick Zhen
I'm currently a senior at Swarthmore College studying philosophy and computer science. Here are some questions that interest me:
- How can Continental philosophy (especially phenomenology) inform software design?
- What sort of organizational environments and practices better facilitate ethical and participatory software production?

Peer Reviewed Publications
It’s about power: What ethical concerns do software engineers have, and what do they (feel they can) do about them? (ACM FAccT) We report self-identified ethical concerns of 115 practitioners. We enumerate their concerns and discuss how even relatively powerful software engineers often lacked the power to resolve their ethical concerns. I worked on this paper Summer '22 during a REU at CMU.
Riemannian Classification and Regression for EEGEyeNet (HCII) We use emerging Riemannian geometry based classifiers and regressors to perform eye-tracking tasks over a 2021 dataset: EEGEyeNet. This was my final project for CS099 (Brain Computer Interfaces).
Some Recent Projects
Hypercubic P2P Chat Network Final project for CS87 (Parallel & Distributed Systems). We designed, implemented and evaluated a P2P chat network that leverages a hypercubic topology to guarantee log(n) neighbors and log(n) hops for n total peers.
WSRN (College Radio Revival) I helped put together the physical and digital infrastructure of WSRN, Swarthmore's oldest student-run radio station, after a prolonged hiatus.
Remake, Demake, Make 3 projects from CS91 (Game Systems), including a remake of a retro game, a demake of a modern game and an original game. Made using TIC-80, C++ and 8bitworkshop.
My time at Kapwing Accomplishments & reflections from my gap year (2021-2022), during which I was a full-stack engineer at Kapwing, a cloud video editor.
Adventures in Computer Graphics 3 projects from CS313 (Computer Graphics), including a 3D mesh viewer, a particle system and a tree modeler. These projects were all done in C++ using the OpenGL library.